Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I feel so so so.....

Today's 22nd March. My flight's on 4th April, right after POC weekend. With only 8 days left before I leave for China, I'm pressed for time. Like seriously.

I'm feeling a mixed of emotions within; bubbling, boiling and waiting...

I feel like crying for help because there're just too much things to clear and seriously lacked time to handle them.

I feel like disappearing without communications. I feel tired of everything and I just want to rest and do nothing.

I feel like doing everything all at once, making things happen and ensuring I clear as much responsibilities as possible before I head over.

I feel like spending more time with my family and loved ones. I feel like not spending anytime with anyone except myself.

I am so looking forward to my trip. I am so dreading my trip.

I feel like getting things done. I feel like dropping everything and who gives a damn.

I feel like socializing with the entire world. I feel like shutting myself away from the entire world.

I feel like bitching, moaning and whining. I feel like I'm seriously wasting time and energy to blog this entry now.

I feel like I miss the entire world. I feel like I am ready to leave behind this part of my world.

I feel...

maybe it is time to stop blogging...

and get back to my work.