- Having at least 3 quality/ ideal romantic relationships
- Read at least 20 good books/e books
- Created another new personal website
- Take on 5 - 10 non ECI private coaching clients, each paying $50 - 250/hr
- Be featured in 3 magazines, TV News, and newspapers for good personal publicity
- Got my Associate Coach Certification by International Coach Federation
- Got 3 awards, certifications and accolades
- Deepen rewarding and loving relationship with my family, closed friends, loved ones and myself
- Be able to do "yi zhen jian xue"/ one-shot kill coaching many times
- Many, many personal results in the 10 domains: work/career, finance, romance/ social, family, freedom, fulfillment, health, effectiveness, coaching, and leading
- Led "Making Courage Work" program and half-tech programs!
- Led in ECI more than 15 times, and non- ECI more than 5 times
- Have weekly family dinners/ outings
- Deep phone chats almost every night with my closest friends
- Become more seductive, alluring, and graceful
- Managed and maintained 2 profitable websites/ blogs
- Picked up violin again. Be able to play "Chang hai yi sheng xiao" and "Hey Jude" on violin. Go for violin classes and get grade 3!
- Attract really amazing business lobangs/ opportunities and have the capacity, space and skills to take them on
- Be a good strategist, and use my sharp business acumen
- Know in depth of successful business mechanics
- Successfully managed 2 personal profitable businesses/ start-ups/ enterprises
- Take on a certification in either combat/ dancing/ music
- Be debt-free - Including tuition fee and bank loans! That would be amazing!
- Master my chinese language - can lead TCC preview/ half-tech program in Mandarin
- Get both my parents to take TCC - that would be "stunning news of the year"
- Get my brother to take POS and BLP
- Be very healthy and play many good bball games
- Bring my family to tour taiwan
- Celebrate my 25th b'day with my sisters and closed friends
- Growth in processing, coaching, energetic and leading skills
- More proficient in Bahasa Melayu and Spanish language. Pick up a new dialect - Hokkien/ Cantonese
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
My Intent list for year 2009
What would be really cool and amazing in year 2009:
Year 2008's Reflections
The year is almost coming to an end. I'm going away to Cambodia to celebrate my b'day with a bunch of conscious beings, in a nice holy-type place. I'll be visiting temples and buddhist statues. What a way to spend my b'day, and counting down to year 2009!
Here's a recap of what I wrote in 01 Jan 2008:
2006's theme: Love, Wisdom & Courage
2007's theme: Performance, Effectiveness & Results
2008's theme: Integrity, Relationships & Discipline
INTEGRITY: Honoring all my words and promises. When I say "X", "X" happens. Having a clutter-free life and walking each step feeling clean. Being a source of Light and causing others to be source of Light in their world.
RELATIONSHIPS: Build deep, meaningful and fulfilling relationships with the people in my world. With my loved ones; to work on patience, space, love, acceptance and championing their growth. For my clients; to work on building lasting relationships, creating value, transforming their lives and championing their growth."
DISCIPLINE: To enforce integrity and ensuring my foundation is solid. To keep hitting "X" and scoring critical wins in my life. Chop wood, carry water and climb hill consistently to increase the speed and precision in getting my results. To embrace humility and inspiration in my beingness. To ensure I work on all areas of my life and be a well-rounder. To immerse myself in joy, magic, good health, good fortune and love in every tasks I take on.
I'm always very cautious about what I wrote as my theme for the year, because it is damn scary to observe on hindsight how life has been governed by the 3 themes. For example, I saw how I worked my ass off in 2007 as I gun for effectiveness, performance and results. In this year, so many incidents popped up to remind myself on my integrity (or lack of) and discipline (or lack of). I shall have fun mulling over my 2009's theme over at Cambodia.
Here's a summarized list of my happenings in 2008:
Here's a recap of what I wrote in 01 Jan 2008:
Theme for year 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!2006's theme: Love, Wisdom & Courage
2007's theme: Performance, Effectiveness & Results
2008's theme: Integrity, Relationships & Discipline
INTEGRITY: Honoring all my words and promises. When I say "X", "X" happens. Having a clutter-free life and walking each step feeling clean. Being a source of Light and causing others to be source of Light in their world.
RELATIONSHIPS: Build deep, meaningful and fulfilling relationships with the people in my world. With my loved ones; to work on patience, space, love, acceptance and championing their growth. For my clients; to work on building lasting relationships, creating value, transforming their lives and championing their growth."
DISCIPLINE: To enforce integrity and ensuring my foundation is solid. To keep hitting "X" and scoring critical wins in my life. Chop wood, carry water and climb hill consistently to increase the speed and precision in getting my results. To embrace humility and inspiration in my beingness. To ensure I work on all areas of my life and be a well-rounder. To immerse myself in joy, magic, good health, good fortune and love in every tasks I take on.
I'm always very cautious about what I wrote as my theme for the year, because it is damn scary to observe on hindsight how life has been governed by the 3 themes. For example, I saw how I worked my ass off in 2007 as I gun for effectiveness, performance and results. In this year, so many incidents popped up to remind myself on my integrity (or lack of) and discipline (or lack of). I shall have fun mulling over my 2009's theme over at Cambodia.
Here's a summarized list of my happenings in 2008:
- Led 5 previews (3 "The Courage to Create" previews and 2 "Power Memory Coaching Program" previews)
- Finally passed my C2 rank supervisor coach exam - So now i'm officially a supervisor coach! (it means i can coach & supervise other coaches)
- Created my coach website, one that I can truly call it my own - http://bethesource.wordpress.com
- Entered into a partnership for education business - check this out after you have checked out my own website k? ; ) http://seedseducation.wordpress.com/
- Graduated from SMU, School of Information Systems Mgmt, double major in Marketing
- Got into (and ended) another romantic relationship
- Co-authored and created a book within 24 hours, which become local best seller in Kinokuniya, Borders and Harris Bookstores, and featured in Channel NewsAsia, Channel 5, 8, Suria, Channel U, teletext etc - http://pickmeup-book.com/
- Coached 6 clients and 6 buddy coaches. Worked with someone to lose 15.5kg and doubled his income with 7 weeks, another to create a 3-min animation and website from scratch within 7 weeks, another to lose 7.5kg and improve her discipline in studies, another in his communication and confidence etc. It's amazing!
- Coached myself out of my 3rd depression in my life (and the worst out of the 3). Don't think anything can get me down so easily after that depression
- Got a double promotion in my 1st week at my 1st job after i graduated from SMU. Ex-boss managed to create a new position for me before I left the company. It was a cool experience
- Graduated from my 9-month Basic Leadership Program
- Invested and upgraded my skillsets via these programs: Freedom in Money (I reviewed this program. Took it in year 2007), Guerrilla Marketing, Principles of Seduction-Reviewer (POS-R) and Professional Coach Training Program 2
- Bumped into many many many old friends while I was working at Dreamworks
- Cleaned up my integrity in different aspects of my life (physical room, work, finances etc)
- Managed to cross the 50th events that I managed between year 2007 and 2008
- Went to M'sia for seafood. It's the 1st time I took a bus there in the middle of the night!
- Did personality reading with strangers and got paid for it! Weird and cool experience!
- Went to Thailand, M'sia, and Cambodia (in a few more days)
- Got offered a $3k deal to managed a Dinner and Dance, just by passing my namecard to a stranger i met in less than 5 minutes at a networking event
- Got myself an educational trainer position to train pri and sec sch students in open source
- Got myself decent paying freelance writing assignment(s)
- Had 4 job offers after I graduated
- Had a customer service issue - made me learnt so much about the importance of follow up and cleaning up your integrity
- Turning 24 in a couple of weeks' time
- Experienced what is it like to start researching, planning, writing and editing my assignments 3 hours before my submission deadlines
- Realized that I have improved in my fighting skills - more disciplined and speed in my punches
- Joined the Course Supervisor Body
- Was a Course Supervisor for a 1st time for TCC preview and Power Memory Coaching Program (June). Had to juggle between being a program manager, course supervisor, course leader support, and assistant for Power Memory Coaching Program
- Experienced what is it like to be super super broke, and what it takes to get out of it
- Was tour guide for my m'sia and USA cousins for the 1st time
- Took on an ad-hoc painting assignment, survived quality check, and got paid for it!
Saturday, 30 August 2008
What the f*ck am I doing here?
I can't believe it's almost 3 months since I last had an entry.
A lot of things happened during these 3 months; well, it always does, anyway.
A few noteworthy things that i did lately:
After assisting at the wave 6 3rd weekend, i'm just so present to these questions:
Kind of like, I've seen and experienced so much extraordinary moments in my life, especially within the last 2 - 3 years, that whatever i am doing now feels so damn ordinary.
It reaches a point where when it comes to my career, anything would do, b'cos they're so ordinary. I guess working at an MNC would look cool, 'cos i get to wear corporate suits and look fantastic. But after a while, it'll be the same starting point again - serving nothing but a function, and trying hard to look impressive. Then what? Isn't that what everyone else has been doing so far?
I was supposed to come up with a team name and tag line for my company. My team name is Greater Heights, and tag line is - "Lead the Way".
The Way refers to the "Dao (4)", or the path. Lead the Way refers to opening up a path of consciousness and guiding them to awakening. In layman's term, it means - "Showing people how their lives had been..... could be..... and should be....."
Honestly speaking... I'm not too sure if i can ever get to the point of integration nor stop feeling lost. I feel almost like drifting along with life.
Hope this feeling will end soon, and may i wake up each day feeling integrated, and living each moment extraordinarily. If not that, then what the f*ck am I doing here?
A lot of things happened during these 3 months; well, it always does, anyway.
A few noteworthy things that i did lately:
- Graduated from SMU, finally!
- Just joined Dreamworks. I got double promotion on my 1st week of work - 1st promotion was to Executive Consultant. 2nd promotion was to Corporate Trainer.
- Brought my M'sian and USA cousins to tour around Singapore last weekend. Think if i switch to tour guide, i could probably excel too =P
- Assisted at "The Door" and "Wave 6 Basic Leadership Program 3rd weekend".
- As i worked at Dreamworks over the past 1 week, i bumped into several ppl.; Dianna, Xiao li, Johnny, and that Hisatomo auntie
After assisting at the wave 6 3rd weekend, i'm just so present to these questions:
- What the f*ck am I doing here?
- What should I do next?
- What does an extraordinary life mean to me?
- How can I fuse my higher mission/ vision to whatever i am doing now?
Kind of like, I've seen and experienced so much extraordinary moments in my life, especially within the last 2 - 3 years, that whatever i am doing now feels so damn ordinary.
It reaches a point where when it comes to my career, anything would do, b'cos they're so ordinary. I guess working at an MNC would look cool, 'cos i get to wear corporate suits and look fantastic. But after a while, it'll be the same starting point again - serving nothing but a function, and trying hard to look impressive. Then what? Isn't that what everyone else has been doing so far?
I was supposed to come up with a team name and tag line for my company. My team name is Greater Heights, and tag line is - "Lead the Way".
The Way refers to the "Dao (4)", or the path. Lead the Way refers to opening up a path of consciousness and guiding them to awakening. In layman's term, it means - "Showing people how their lives had been..... could be..... and should be....."
Honestly speaking... I'm not too sure if i can ever get to the point of integration nor stop feeling lost. I feel almost like drifting along with life.
Hope this feeling will end soon, and may i wake up each day feeling integrated, and living each moment extraordinarily. If not that, then what the f*ck am I doing here?
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
A message that kept me amused in the morning
I'm super amused! =D
am tony by name it a pleasure for to have come across ur profile. how as your day been,hope you have a nice cool day? and full of cheers,because i just like how u look cute with your cool smilling face,when i saw your pics,i wounder how its shine like a braided diamond.Your appearance admire mine emotional feeling which led my heart into undisclosed confession about urs pretty look,in fact u're more refer to an angel.You look like a morning star,u are portrait a sexy looking lady.if u don't mind i we like you to tell me alittle about your self and u can also send me me ur yahoo id or msn if u don't mind hope read from you soon "
am tony by name it a pleasure for to have come across ur profile. how as your day been,hope you have a nice cool day? and full of cheers,because i just like how u look cute with your cool smilling face,when i saw your pics,i wounder how its shine like a braided diamond.Your appearance admire mine emotional feeling which led my heart into undisclosed confession about urs pretty look,in fact u're more refer to an angel.You look like a morning star,u are portrait a sexy looking lady.if u don't mind i we like you to tell me alittle about your self and u can also send me me ur yahoo id or msn if u don't mind hope read from you soon "
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Personality profile
You Are An INTP
The Thinker
You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.
Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.
A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.
In love, you are an easy person to fall for. But not an easy person to stay in love with.
Although you are quite flexible, you often come off as aloof or argumentative.
At work, you are both a logical and creative thinker. You are great at solving problems.
You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.
How you see yourself: Creative, fair, and tough-minded
When other people don't get you, they see you as: arrogant, cold, and robotic
I would make an excellent mathematician, or programmer??? OMG! >_<
You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.
Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.
A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.
In love, you are an easy person to fall for. But not an easy person to stay in love with.
Although you are quite flexible, you often come off as aloof or argumentative.
At work, you are both a logical and creative thinker. You are great at solving problems.
You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.
How you see yourself: Creative, fair, and tough-minded
When other people don't get you, they see you as: arrogant, cold, and robotic
Friday, 2 May 2008
Harold and Kumar Movie
I just came back from watching Harold and Kumar with my affiliate marketing team, Rosli, Johnson and Merry.
We were supposed to meet up for our usual meeting, but i proposed an outing for all of us, since the energy and drive for work was super low this week.
Anyway, i was really glad we caught the movie. 'tis the 1st time i caught a GUY MOVIE!! >_< OMG, it's so different from those generic or blond movie flicks i used to watch. It just got me closer into what guys like to do.
Honestly speaking, it's not those kind of show i'd watch again, but the guys love it! yea... and the BEST part is........ Merry enjoyed herself!!! Hahahahaha....... OMG, if you know merry and you watched the movie yourself, you'd understand how i feel if I said I was very amused seeing her enjoy herself.
Hohoho... anyway, this week is a self-love week. I had a thai massage, caught a movie (when i'm supposed to work =P well, i still believe happy workers make productive workers. Heh), and I'm gonna crash a girls' party tonight at St. James' power house. Rock on!
I'm now reading this blog on how to make money online, for the 2nd time already. If you like, you can always check it out- http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/01/how-to-build-a-high-traffic-web-site-or-blog/
Hope to pick up a gd tip or two. If anyone has got any brilliant ideas on driving traffic online or increase gd affiliates, do share with me, ok?
And if you like reading blogs, check out these other 2 websites; the 1st one is on relationships and how to let go of relationships, while the other is a blog on the different ways to pick someone up from any situations in his/her life. Cheers!
We were supposed to meet up for our usual meeting, but i proposed an outing for all of us, since the energy and drive for work was super low this week.
Anyway, i was really glad we caught the movie. 'tis the 1st time i caught a GUY MOVIE!! >_< OMG, it's so different from those generic or blond movie flicks i used to watch. It just got me closer into what guys like to do.
Honestly speaking, it's not those kind of show i'd watch again, but the guys love it! yea... and the BEST part is........ Merry enjoyed herself!!! Hahahahaha....... OMG, if you know merry and you watched the movie yourself, you'd understand how i feel if I said I was very amused seeing her enjoy herself.
Hohoho... anyway, this week is a self-love week. I had a thai massage, caught a movie (when i'm supposed to work =P well, i still believe happy workers make productive workers. Heh), and I'm gonna crash a girls' party tonight at St. James' power house. Rock on!
I'm now reading this blog on how to make money online, for the 2nd time already. If you like, you can always check it out- http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/01/how-to-build-a-high-traffic-web-site-or-blog/
Hope to pick up a gd tip or two. If anyone has got any brilliant ideas on driving traffic online or increase gd affiliates, do share with me, ok?
And if you like reading blogs, check out these other 2 websites; the 1st one is on relationships and how to let go of relationships, while the other is a blog on the different ways to pick someone up from any situations in his/her life. Cheers!
Monday, 14 April 2008
The Passion Coach
Something extreme happened to me today.
I was in my destructive mood earlier in the day, feeling really lousy that I was stuck at this point in my life for so long, without gaining the clarity on how to get out of my stuckness. The worst part was, I didn't know who I could turn to for help, and I kept feeling helpless about my sense of uselessness. It felt like other than my work, everything else in my world was in pieces and I felt dysfunctional. When I was in that state of self-destruction, it felt really terrible, and all i could see were walls, barriers and obstacles. No solution. I felt like giving up on myself and a part of me was dead.
Later in the evening, I met up with my coachee, Zee (Name is changed). At least, I was professional enough to block out and put aside my own shit and be strong for Zee. Before her TCC, she was someone depressed about life. She was stuck with self-doubt for the longest time, and dare not dream. If there were a few words to describe who she were, it would be that she was someone whom lost her passion about life. Today, almost 6 weeks after coaching her, she works hard on her dreams. She just showed me her art piece with raw passion, and she is filled with pride. For the 1st time after so long, she is living her dreams, she is fighting for her passion, she is strong enough to beat self-doubt. Her eyes sparkles as she shares with me her dream projects. As she gains more clarity each day about herself, she gains more wisdom and power from within.
I was overwhelmed by her passion. Isn't it ironic that I called myself, "The Passion Coach" and I lacked the passion in my life right now? It's so ironic that I was able to cause passion in her, among other coachees, but I lost faith in myself. Actually, coaching them wasn't that difficult. These ppl. lost their fight because they didn't believe in themselves. What I stood for them is faith. I believe in them. And as my belief in them was so great, over time, they worked on themselves and they grew stronger. Eventually, they began to believe in themselves so much more.
As I inspire Zee in some ways, she inspires me in return as well. After all, if I can believe in her, I can believe in myself too. If I can cause passion in someone else's life, I can cause passion in my life too.
Pick yourself up dear... never give up believing in yourself. Be "The Passion Coach".
Ps: if you like this story, you'll like this too. Go to http://www.pickmeuptoday.com
I was in my destructive mood earlier in the day, feeling really lousy that I was stuck at this point in my life for so long, without gaining the clarity on how to get out of my stuckness. The worst part was, I didn't know who I could turn to for help, and I kept feeling helpless about my sense of uselessness. It felt like other than my work, everything else in my world was in pieces and I felt dysfunctional. When I was in that state of self-destruction, it felt really terrible, and all i could see were walls, barriers and obstacles. No solution. I felt like giving up on myself and a part of me was dead.
Later in the evening, I met up with my coachee, Zee (Name is changed). At least, I was professional enough to block out and put aside my own shit and be strong for Zee. Before her TCC, she was someone depressed about life. She was stuck with self-doubt for the longest time, and dare not dream. If there were a few words to describe who she were, it would be that she was someone whom lost her passion about life. Today, almost 6 weeks after coaching her, she works hard on her dreams. She just showed me her art piece with raw passion, and she is filled with pride. For the 1st time after so long, she is living her dreams, she is fighting for her passion, she is strong enough to beat self-doubt. Her eyes sparkles as she shares with me her dream projects. As she gains more clarity each day about herself, she gains more wisdom and power from within.
I was overwhelmed by her passion. Isn't it ironic that I called myself, "The Passion Coach" and I lacked the passion in my life right now? It's so ironic that I was able to cause passion in her, among other coachees, but I lost faith in myself. Actually, coaching them wasn't that difficult. These ppl. lost their fight because they didn't believe in themselves. What I stood for them is faith. I believe in them. And as my belief in them was so great, over time, they worked on themselves and they grew stronger. Eventually, they began to believe in themselves so much more.
As I inspire Zee in some ways, she inspires me in return as well. After all, if I can believe in her, I can believe in myself too. If I can cause passion in someone else's life, I can cause passion in my life too.
Pick yourself up dear... never give up believing in yourself. Be "The Passion Coach".
Ps: if you like this story, you'll like this too. Go to http://www.pickmeuptoday.com
Monday, 24 March 2008
Wisdom says...
Wisdom says...
The perception that your world is crashing and that you are not functional is an illusion. The world has not changed a single bit. Your perception of it shifting is causing you all these unnecessary suffering.
Just as much as I am tempted to just say, "Dun get too attach to your suffering. Just let go". I know it's not going to work for you now. Got it that you are uncertain about what's happening to you right now. Got it that you are not prepared for this to happen too. Got it that you don't have the stable platform right now. Got your struggling. Got that you're being misunderstood.
My dear, you will always be misunderstood. You will always be struggling. You will always be uncertain and you will always have self-doubt. Got it that you have difficulties expressing what you saw to others. They will always be there to accompany you in your journey of self-evolution.
What you need to get however, is that, you are equally equipped with clarity, awareness, wisdom, power and courage. If you blocked any of these, you cannot harness what lessons you need to learn from each obstacles you face. Each obstacle you are having right now, is specially designed for you such that you get what you need to get for you to move up to the next level.
The source of your suffering is that, instead of learning from these obstacles and learning from these lessons to get your "XP", you are being blinded by your haste. You think you need to resolve all these problems right away. You think you lack the power to make those happen. You think you can't do it. You think you are not ready for the world yet.
Duh, if you truly are not ready, you will not see what you see. You would not be having this conversation with me right now. It's precisely because you are ready, and that you have done your foundation right, that you have the clarity to see.
You are prepared. And you have the skills and abilities to make those happen.
If you keep blinded by haste and feeling futile and incapable...
You will never truly harness the power within you.
The noises will always be there. Sometimes all it takes is for you to shut up, listen to these noises and observe.
These noises are there to warn you of the dangers lie ahead. They are there to keep you vigilant. Dun reject them. Watch... learn from them, instead of fighting them.
That's all i have to say to you. Well... looks like you need to pick yourself up and put things in place. Stop getting stuck. Go handle what you need to handle.
When you need me... I am always around. Dun just shout for help or feel that no one can help you. LISTEN to your voices and hear what they are warning you about. ; )
Till we chat again, go handle what you need to handle.
The perception that your world is crashing and that you are not functional is an illusion. The world has not changed a single bit. Your perception of it shifting is causing you all these unnecessary suffering.
Just as much as I am tempted to just say, "Dun get too attach to your suffering. Just let go". I know it's not going to work for you now. Got it that you are uncertain about what's happening to you right now. Got it that you are not prepared for this to happen too. Got it that you don't have the stable platform right now. Got your struggling. Got that you're being misunderstood.
My dear, you will always be misunderstood. You will always be struggling. You will always be uncertain and you will always have self-doubt. Got it that you have difficulties expressing what you saw to others. They will always be there to accompany you in your journey of self-evolution.
What you need to get however, is that, you are equally equipped with clarity, awareness, wisdom, power and courage. If you blocked any of these, you cannot harness what lessons you need to learn from each obstacles you face. Each obstacle you are having right now, is specially designed for you such that you get what you need to get for you to move up to the next level.
The source of your suffering is that, instead of learning from these obstacles and learning from these lessons to get your "XP", you are being blinded by your haste. You think you need to resolve all these problems right away. You think you lack the power to make those happen. You think you can't do it. You think you are not ready for the world yet.
Duh, if you truly are not ready, you will not see what you see. You would not be having this conversation with me right now. It's precisely because you are ready, and that you have done your foundation right, that you have the clarity to see.
You are prepared. And you have the skills and abilities to make those happen.
If you keep blinded by haste and feeling futile and incapable...
You will never truly harness the power within you.
The noises will always be there. Sometimes all it takes is for you to shut up, listen to these noises and observe.
These noises are there to warn you of the dangers lie ahead. They are there to keep you vigilant. Dun reject them. Watch... learn from them, instead of fighting them.
That's all i have to say to you. Well... looks like you need to pick yourself up and put things in place. Stop getting stuck. Go handle what you need to handle.
When you need me... I am always around. Dun just shout for help or feel that no one can help you. LISTEN to your voices and hear what they are warning you about. ; )
Till we chat again, go handle what you need to handle.
sigh... the day when i am not functional.
I hate knowing the consequence of not doing something and the chain of effects that is going to happen if i don't do it.
I hate the feeling of being inadequate when i chose to do it. Knowing that I can do something about it but knowing I am not good enough to deal with it while choosing to deal with it, is killing me.
I hate the feeling of choosing not to do something and watching the chain of effects taking place in front of me.
I hate the feeling of unable to express myself to show others what is it I am seeing so that they get it as well. And above all, make them stop misunderstanding me.
I hate the noises in my head trying to justify maybe it's an illusion and it's all ego talk. They are so noisy I can't locate where wisdom is and have a good conversation with her to find out what exactly is the problem.
I know wisdom has a solution for me. Just that the mind's too noisy for me to find her and talk to her. Hope she comes find me soon.
Dun just give me awareness and clarity.
Give me the wisdom and capacity to contain all these fu*king things, and transcend them.
I hate the feeling of being inadequate when i chose to do it. Knowing that I can do something about it but knowing I am not good enough to deal with it while choosing to deal with it, is killing me.
I hate the feeling of choosing not to do something and watching the chain of effects taking place in front of me.
I hate the feeling of unable to express myself to show others what is it I am seeing so that they get it as well. And above all, make them stop misunderstanding me.
I hate the noises in my head trying to justify maybe it's an illusion and it's all ego talk. They are so noisy I can't locate where wisdom is and have a good conversation with her to find out what exactly is the problem.
I know wisdom has a solution for me. Just that the mind's too noisy for me to find her and talk to her. Hope she comes find me soon.
Dun just give me awareness and clarity.
Give me the wisdom and capacity to contain all these fu*king things, and transcend them.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Psychosomatic symptoms
A few examples of the emotions and limiting mindsets that are linked to the weakness in muscles and organs:
Heart - Heart break, grief, genetic tendencies for weak heart.
Lungs - Rage against Life and specific situations or individuals.
Bladder - Blocking personal power and strength.
Pancreas - Guilt, self punishment.
Spleen - Not connecting with the Body.
Liver - Hate being in the physical body.
Stomach - Self-disgust and fear, guilt and self-judgement.
Intestines - Limiting self-expression, despair, helplessness.
Neck Muscles - Feeling forced to live life in a certain way.
Trapeze/Shoulder Muscles - Over-responsibility for others, overwhelmed by life, wanting to give up.
Lower Back Muscles - Blocking personal power.
Lower Stomach Muscles - Feeling like a failure and giving up.
Sacrum - Running away from challenges and life.
Knees - Self Blame for not moving in life like you think you should..
Feet - Resistance to be on Mother Earth.
Sexual Reproductive Organs (Prostate,Womb, Ovaries) - Hate for female/male body and misusing sexual energies, fear of childbirth for women.
Heart - Heart break, grief, genetic tendencies for weak heart.
Lungs - Rage against Life and specific situations or individuals.
Bladder - Blocking personal power and strength.
Pancreas - Guilt, self punishment.
Spleen - Not connecting with the Body.
Liver - Hate being in the physical body.
Stomach - Self-disgust and fear, guilt and self-judgement.
Intestines - Limiting self-expression, despair, helplessness.
Neck Muscles - Feeling forced to live life in a certain way.
Trapeze/Shoulder Muscles - Over-responsibility for others, overwhelmed by life, wanting to give up.
Lower Back Muscles - Blocking personal power.
Lower Stomach Muscles - Feeling like a failure and giving up.
Sacrum - Running away from challenges and life.
Knees - Self Blame for not moving in life like you think you should..
Feet - Resistance to be on Mother Earth.
Sexual Reproductive Organs (Prostate,Womb, Ovaries) - Hate for female/male body and misusing sexual energies, fear of childbirth for women.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
New updates
Have not blogged for more than a month already. Getting too caught up with things >_<
Here's what I have been up to since last update:
1. Graduated from my 9-month basic leadership program
2. Dated/ Dating someone
3. Embark on another project on affiliate marketing for Pick Me Up. Check out www.pickmeuptoday.com ; )
4. Handling preview management
3. Managing Professional Coach Training Program 1
4. Attended and attending business coaching workshop (learning how to do business coaching, and set up business)
5. Went for Guerilla marketing lessons
6. Watched a couple of good movies. Kungfu Dunk was the best.
7. Went shopping and bought a couple new dresses
8. Caught up with old frens/ ex-boss (the little things I enjoy doing most after my BLP)
9. Assisted at wave 6 Basic Leadership Program (BLP) bootcamp
10. Went for wave 5 BLP graduation dinner
11. Collected a lot of ang baos during CNY as compared to previous year.
12. Celebrated my xiaomei's bday
13. Took on 2 coaching clients, and 2 buddy coachees/coaches
14. Spent time with family
15. School, meeting assignments deadlines. What else? =P
Looking forward to:
1. Having more resources (time, money, manpower, space)
2. More time with family & building intimate relationships
3. Graduation from SMU!
4. Settle down nicely in my full time job and getting stable, good income
5. More productivity, effectiveness, results & space at work
6. Gain new wisdom, insights, clarity & realizations
7. Set up my own business
8. Get my Associate Certified Coach Certification
9. New, exciting and rewarding relationships
10. Personal integration from post-BLP
11. Leading previews/ half-tech programs
12. Expand my world of consciousness to my own friends, especially those that truly matter to me
13. Still, work on the 4 projects (ECI, relationships, work/finance, community) and excel in them
14. Spending more time with close friends
15. More growth in different aspects of my life. Definitely can do with more wisdom, love, courage, clarity and awareness.
That's all for now! =)
Here's what I have been up to since last update:
1. Graduated from my 9-month basic leadership program
2. Dated/ Dating someone
3. Embark on another project on affiliate marketing for Pick Me Up. Check out www.pickmeuptoday.com ; )
4. Handling preview management
3. Managing Professional Coach Training Program 1
4. Attended and attending business coaching workshop (learning how to do business coaching, and set up business)
5. Went for Guerilla marketing lessons
6. Watched a couple of good movies. Kungfu Dunk was the best.
7. Went shopping and bought a couple new dresses
8. Caught up with old frens/ ex-boss (the little things I enjoy doing most after my BLP)
9. Assisted at wave 6 Basic Leadership Program (BLP) bootcamp
10. Went for wave 5 BLP graduation dinner
11. Collected a lot of ang baos during CNY as compared to previous year.
12. Celebrated my xiaomei's bday
13. Took on 2 coaching clients, and 2 buddy coachees/coaches
14. Spent time with family
15. School, meeting assignments deadlines. What else? =P
Looking forward to:
1. Having more resources (time, money, manpower, space)
2. More time with family & building intimate relationships
3. Graduation from SMU!
4. Settle down nicely in my full time job and getting stable, good income
5. More productivity, effectiveness, results & space at work
6. Gain new wisdom, insights, clarity & realizations
7. Set up my own business
8. Get my Associate Certified Coach Certification
9. New, exciting and rewarding relationships
10. Personal integration from post-BLP
11. Leading previews/ half-tech programs
12. Expand my world of consciousness to my own friends, especially those that truly matter to me
13. Still, work on the 4 projects (ECI, relationships, work/finance, community) and excel in them
14. Spending more time with close friends
15. More growth in different aspects of my life. Definitely can do with more wisdom, love, courage, clarity and awareness.
That's all for now! =)
Monday, 21 January 2008
The 21 Days that felt like a Year
21 days into January 2008 - Here's what have been happening to me during these 3 weeks:
- Attended a 3-day leadership weekend camps
- Went M'sia with family
- 3-day The Courage to Create (TCC)Program
- 3rd week into my final semester at SMU
- Managed 7 TCC previews
- Assisting and coaching at Making Courage Work Program
- Co-authored, published, launched and sold 100 books, Pick Me Up, within 24 hours
- Embarked on another 24-hr challenge to sell 10,000 books
- Continued on another 72-hr challenge to sell 10,000 books to raise funds for charity
- Now doing the payment and order fulfillment tracking for the post-campaign
When Yixin is super stressed, overloaded with work, at her breaking point, she realized that she...
1. Barked at anyone whom gets into her way
2. Bitched, moaned and whined (BMW) at every opportunity she has
3. Feels sorry for herself
4. Fell asleep during morning classes while trying her best to stay awake
5. Sleep very little, like 2-3 hours a day
6. Slept alot, when she really do have the opportunity to sleep
7. Camped overnight at her dearest office many times in the week so she can avoid midnight cabs
8. Went for food therapy. Eat whatever her heart desired
9. Super low tolerance for anyone whom threw additional "shit" into her space. Either end in cat fights or threw the "dun-f*ck-with-me-look"
10. Distracts herself by organizing her laptop and creating folders
11. Distracts herself by doing anything but work
12. Avoid distractions and keep working
13. Keep sighing alot
14. Not bath or changed for days
15. Avoid people and back into her zombie-like-state
16. Keep promoting her book, Pick Me Up, at every opportunity she has
17. Felt like crap and wanna threw in the towel
18. Tries her best to cheer people up. B'cos to cheer ppl. up, she gotta cheer herself up 1st.
19. Miss her family, dates, friends alot... so she took up her calendar and scheduled all these appointments for herself to welcome some fun back
20. Did her best to appear "invisible" so her profs would not recognize that she was late for morning classes
21. Tried to enroll her profs to buy her book so they would excuse her for classes. Afterall, it's for a good cause.
Did i mention it's only 21 days for January? It felt like I've just lived thru an entire year itself.
Alright... enuff distractions for me.
Back to work again...
- Attended a 3-day leadership weekend camps
- Went M'sia with family
- 3-day The Courage to Create (TCC)Program
- 3rd week into my final semester at SMU
- Managed 7 TCC previews
- Assisting and coaching at Making Courage Work Program
- Co-authored, published, launched and sold 100 books, Pick Me Up, within 24 hours
- Embarked on another 24-hr challenge to sell 10,000 books
- Continued on another 72-hr challenge to sell 10,000 books to raise funds for charity
- Now doing the payment and order fulfillment tracking for the post-campaign
When Yixin is super stressed, overloaded with work, at her breaking point, she realized that she...
1. Barked at anyone whom gets into her way
2. Bitched, moaned and whined (BMW) at every opportunity she has
3. Feels sorry for herself
4. Fell asleep during morning classes while trying her best to stay awake
5. Sleep very little, like 2-3 hours a day
6. Slept alot, when she really do have the opportunity to sleep
7. Camped overnight at her dearest office many times in the week so she can avoid midnight cabs
8. Went for food therapy. Eat whatever her heart desired
9. Super low tolerance for anyone whom threw additional "shit" into her space. Either end in cat fights or threw the "dun-f*ck-with-me-look"
10. Distracts herself by organizing her laptop and creating folders
11. Distracts herself by doing anything but work
12. Avoid distractions and keep working
13. Keep sighing alot
14. Not bath or changed for days
15. Avoid people and back into her zombie-like-state
16. Keep promoting her book, Pick Me Up, at every opportunity she has
17. Felt like crap and wanna threw in the towel
18. Tries her best to cheer people up. B'cos to cheer ppl. up, she gotta cheer herself up 1st.
19. Miss her family, dates, friends alot... so she took up her calendar and scheduled all these appointments for herself to welcome some fun back
20. Did her best to appear "invisible" so her profs would not recognize that she was late for morning classes
21. Tried to enroll her profs to buy her book so they would excuse her for classes. Afterall, it's for a good cause.
Did i mention it's only 21 days for January? It felt like I've just lived thru an entire year itself.
Alright... enuff distractions for me.
Back to work again...
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Bet you have never tried so many roles in 1 week
The 72-hour book campaign is now officially over. Fret not if you still want to purchase the book. You may still do so at www.pickmeup-book.com Only difference is that only 20%, instead of 60% of the net proceeds will be donated to Make-A-Wish-Foundation. The remaining $$ will go towards a pooled fund to set up a social enterprise.
I really learnt a lot these 7 days ever since the whole book campaign began.
Here's a list of all the roles I've tried during these 7 days:
1) Overall in-charge for editorial team on 12 Jan, sat. As OIC, i had to ensure that the editorial team edit the 42 stories impeccably and forward to the chief editors to do up the final drafts, whilst ensuring that all these are completed within the deadline given to me
2) Blogger: Ensure the audience and our beloved supporters get the latest updates by the hour. It's a real madness blogging by the hour, i tell you. In admist of all the "shit" thrown around because ppl. are rushing deadlines, I have to learn how to stick to my deadline and not get distracted. Also, I have to be creative.
3) Editor: That was before I was suddenly made an editorial OIC. I had to edit others' stories. OMG!
4) Sales Order and Orders Fulfillment IC: I learnt how as an IC, i really should function like a commander, and delegate tasks out to ppl., instead of trying to do everything by myself >_<
5) Sales calls: Calling all my contacts and getting them to support me in the book campaign!
6) Payment tracking: This is one shitty job i wun wanna do again in the future. Imagine you have ppl paying you for the books via paypal, internet banking, atm transfer, nets, cheque, cash... and you gotta be able to account for every single transaction. TRY ACCOUNTING FOR > 2K books. I tell you again.......this is >_< JOB!
7) Sales Order Tracking: Another >_< job, after payment tracking. Gotta make sure that you know exactly how many sales are in and for what kind of books. Currently, ppl. can place orders via website, phone calls (there're many sales ppl around so you need to keep track of their sales orders), sms, and emails. You will need a consolidated sheet for all the sales that the whole team has made so far.
8) Cashier: Collecting all cash payments, nets and issuing receipts. Probably that's the only job i enjoyed doing most, issuing receipts! hahaha.... but i'm both the cashier and the payment tracking IC so that is erm... >_<
9) Welfare IC: Ensure that while the team is so caught up with meeting deadlines, I take care of their welfare by providing them with drinks, choc chip and paddle pop ice-cream!
10) Customer service: Handle all queries, orders made via sms and emails. Also, handle the COMPLAINTS! OMG! >_<
11) Fulfillment IC: Ensure ebooks are emailed to ppl. on time so they wun think that we are a scam or something
12) Public Relations: I tried (not much) calling up the radio stations to tell them that we've got such an exciting news!
I think i really have learnt A LOT in a week.
I really learnt a lot these 7 days ever since the whole book campaign began.
Here's a list of all the roles I've tried during these 7 days:
1) Overall in-charge for editorial team on 12 Jan, sat. As OIC, i had to ensure that the editorial team edit the 42 stories impeccably and forward to the chief editors to do up the final drafts, whilst ensuring that all these are completed within the deadline given to me
2) Blogger: Ensure the audience and our beloved supporters get the latest updates by the hour. It's a real madness blogging by the hour, i tell you. In admist of all the "shit" thrown around because ppl. are rushing deadlines, I have to learn how to stick to my deadline and not get distracted. Also, I have to be creative.
3) Editor: That was before I was suddenly made an editorial OIC. I had to edit others' stories. OMG!
4) Sales Order and Orders Fulfillment IC: I learnt how as an IC, i really should function like a commander, and delegate tasks out to ppl., instead of trying to do everything by myself >_<
5) Sales calls: Calling all my contacts and getting them to support me in the book campaign!
6) Payment tracking: This is one shitty job i wun wanna do again in the future. Imagine you have ppl paying you for the books via paypal, internet banking, atm transfer, nets, cheque, cash... and you gotta be able to account for every single transaction. TRY ACCOUNTING FOR > 2K books. I tell you again.......this is >_< JOB!
7) Sales Order Tracking: Another >_< job, after payment tracking. Gotta make sure that you know exactly how many sales are in and for what kind of books. Currently, ppl. can place orders via website, phone calls (there're many sales ppl around so you need to keep track of their sales orders), sms, and emails. You will need a consolidated sheet for all the sales that the whole team has made so far.
8) Cashier: Collecting all cash payments, nets and issuing receipts. Probably that's the only job i enjoyed doing most, issuing receipts! hahaha.... but i'm both the cashier and the payment tracking IC so that is erm... >_<
9) Welfare IC: Ensure that while the team is so caught up with meeting deadlines, I take care of their welfare by providing them with drinks, choc chip and paddle pop ice-cream!
10) Customer service: Handle all queries, orders made via sms and emails. Also, handle the COMPLAINTS! OMG! >_<
11) Fulfillment IC: Ensure ebooks are emailed to ppl. on time so they wun think that we are a scam or something
12) Public Relations: I tried (not much) calling up the radio stations to tell them that we've got such an exciting news!
I think i really have learnt A LOT in a week.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Words of Wisdom
“Sometimes the life we live do not belong to us. It is an amalgam of others’ intentions as well as popular dreams that are trendy at the moment.”
So what does it take to find yourself and live the life you want?
What does it take to have the courage and wisdom to seek the truth about your life?
To find out how 42 people from all walks of life manage to “Pick Themselves Up” and live their dreams, Order your “Pick Me Up” Book Now!
To read more on the amazing global charity campaign, please go to www.pickmeup-book.com
Each book you purchase, 60% of the net proceeds will go to the children of "Make a Wish Foundation" to help them fulfill their last wishes.
The remaining proceeds will go to a trust fund to set up a social enterprise.
Have you always thought of making a difference to others or the world?
Wait no longer, here's an opportunity for you to do so... Make your donation directly HERE.
So what does it take to find yourself and live the life you want?
What does it take to have the courage and wisdom to seek the truth about your life?
To find out how 42 people from all walks of life manage to “Pick Themselves Up” and live their dreams, Order your “Pick Me Up” Book Now!
To read more on the amazing global charity campaign, please go to www.pickmeup-book.com
Each book you purchase, 60% of the net proceeds will go to the children of "Make a Wish Foundation" to help them fulfill their last wishes.
The remaining proceeds will go to a trust fund to set up a social enterprise.
Have you always thought of making a difference to others or the world?
Wait no longer, here's an opportunity for you to do so... Make your donation directly HERE.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
The 24-hour Challenge!

11 January 2008, 5:15pm
42 people embarked on an impossible task of producing an e-book for the first time. What took others months or years, they took a mere 24 hours to make it happen! Not only did they produce the book (Pick Me Up Book)within a day, they also managed to hit 100 pre-orders on the same day.
And on Sunday, 13 January 2008, 1.11pm SG Time, the same team started another outrageous 24-hour campaign to sell 10,000 copies of Pick Me Up book. This time round, they are going to donate 20% of the proceedings to the Make A Wish Foundation.
They want to bring a message to the world that dreams can become reality. The book costs $49.97 but for a limited time offer, we are bringing down to price to $9.97.
CLICK HERE to watch us do the "Impossible" for Charity!
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Theme for year 2008
2006's theme: Love, Wisdom & Courage
2007's theme: Performance, Effectiveness & Results
2008's theme: Integrity, Relationships & Discipline
INTEGRITY: Honoring all my words and promises. When I say "X", "X" happens. Having a clutter-free life and walking each step feeling clean. Being a source of Light and causing others to be source of Light in their world.
RELATIONSHIPS: Build deep, meaningful and fulfilling relationships with the people in my world. With my loved ones; to work on patience, space, love, acceptance and championing their growth. For my clients; to work on building lasting relationships, creating value, transforming their lives and championing their growth.
DISCIPLINE: To enforce integrity and ensuring my foundation is solid. To keep hitting "X" and scoring critical wins in my life. Chop wood, carry water and climb hill consistently to increase the speed and precision in getting my results. To embrace humility and inspiration in my beingness. To ensure I work on all areas of my life and be a well-rounder. To immerse myself in joy, magic, good health, good fortune and love in every tasks I take on.
2006's theme: Love, Wisdom & Courage
2007's theme: Performance, Effectiveness & Results
2008's theme: Integrity, Relationships & Discipline
INTEGRITY: Honoring all my words and promises. When I say "X", "X" happens. Having a clutter-free life and walking each step feeling clean. Being a source of Light and causing others to be source of Light in their world.
RELATIONSHIPS: Build deep, meaningful and fulfilling relationships with the people in my world. With my loved ones; to work on patience, space, love, acceptance and championing their growth. For my clients; to work on building lasting relationships, creating value, transforming their lives and championing their growth.
DISCIPLINE: To enforce integrity and ensuring my foundation is solid. To keep hitting "X" and scoring critical wins in my life. Chop wood, carry water and climb hill consistently to increase the speed and precision in getting my results. To embrace humility and inspiration in my beingness. To ensure I work on all areas of my life and be a well-rounder. To immerse myself in joy, magic, good health, good fortune and love in every tasks I take on.
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