Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Recent Realizations

Recently, I've been through qte a few breakdowns. And these are my recent realizations out of those events.

1) Isn't it amazing that sometimes you were mulling over an issue, and you attracted someone into your life and she said something out of the blue that seems like a solution to your issue? I got one such experience during the weekend energy camp.

2) My bro. finally received and acknowledged my love for him. =)

3) I finally realized why I was so tired lately. Been carrying too much conversation within me and those conversations sapped my energy away. I was not vigilant enough. Get over it.

4) I used to wonder why others have such a high expectations on me. I used to hate that. But now I realized it's b'cos I always demand the best of myself, and they're merely reacting to the vibes I sent out. Morale of the story- There's really nothing to complain about. I ask for it.

5) As a coach, having clarity is very important. During those times when I'm stuck, learn to trust others to either give me listening space to regain my clarity, or trust another coach to coach me out of my issue. And yes, even coaches have times when they got stuck. In those occasions, you need to gain your clarity back. So request for support!

6) Learn to let go. If you're too attached to certain responsibility, you're depriving others the opportunity to learn and grow. Similarly, you're depriving yourself the opportunity to learn a different method from them. It may be true that your method is more effective. But because you allowed yourself to learn from others, you may notice a creative method of doing the same task.

7) By not acknowledging you and taking you for granted, others have embedded their acknowledgments for you. It's b'cos you've done such a great job that others have learnt to take you for granted. The question is- do you have the heart and eyes to receive and recognize an acknowledgement?

8) It is those whom have yet to accept themselves as beautiful that would go, "Really meh?" or , "You sure?" whenever someone gives them a compliment. Have you accepted yourself that you're beautiful and pretty?

9) There's no need to rush or push things. Everything has its own timing. Just be inspiration and your intentions will manifest in your life.

10) There're 2 powerful forces in the world. One is positive and the other is negative. One has the ability to create and the other, to destruct. Let your conversations be those that create and inspire others.

11) What is it like to do things with one heart? No more inner conflicts nor contradicting yourself. No more "I want, but...", or "I dun really know if I want it that badly enough". Life becomes a "You say you want it, and you get it." Yea, be ONEHEART.

12) What is it like to love someone and chat with him with no "conversations racing through your mind" and "expectations"?
The answer is enjoyment.

13) If you want something, open your mouth and ask.
And remember to ask at the right time.

14) Sometimes you wore too many masks that the masks become who you are and you got confused. Always remember- everything's just a role and a game.
Who are you? Who's the default me?
Just recall the feeling when everything seems to align as ONE. No conversations. No expectations. No conflicts. The space where every part of you resonates as ONE.

15) Learn to self-heal. When the body is aching or feeling not in equilibrium, ask this question, "What is my body trying to tell me?" And listen to your heart.

16) 16 is the number of participants whom will be taking 4-6 August 2007, Freedom In Money (FIM). Let's Make It Happen!

17) 17 is the name of my Basic Leadership Program (BLP) wave. Each of us, including the one whom left, has a purpose to fulfill in this BLP. Have you found yours?

18) My performance pattern come in spikes. One moment I am super high, the next moment I'd be down with depression. The question is- How fast can I pick myself up for the next High? What preventive measures can I set for myself during my lows? What support do I need to get back on my feet asap?

19) What can you acknowledge yourself for?

20) The age I took The Courage to Create.

21) What would Inspiration and Wisdom say at this point?

22) Everyone is a reflection of me, and an opportunity for me to accept and honor other parts of myself that I've yet to do so.